Source details

Company name: Martin's Fruit and Vegetable Farm
Description: "The farm is 23 acres of this 13 acres is trees and a pond which is stream fed . The rest is about 6 to 7acres for growing fruit and vegetables . the soil type is sandy loam,no stones or rocks.The subsoil is 21 feet of sand so we need to irrigate most years . Our farm grows typical vegetables and fruit but still unique. Example banana Fingerling potatoes, orange tomatoes and very special sweet corn that is blue."
Products: potatoes, beets, carrots, gourds, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, radishes, sweet corn, beans, dill, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, turnips, sunflowers, chums, white strawberries, corn stalks, straw bales, painted corn, asparagus, hot peppers, cherry tomatoes
Location: Peterborough Regional Farmers' Market, Peterborough Wednesday Farmers' Market
City: Trent Hills
Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Phone: 705-653-0389